In an effort to reduce RTK requests that the PA Senate believes are "burdensome" the PA Senate has passed Senate Bill 552
The PA Senate claims this will "help municipalities, school boards and other agencies" by potentially classifying RTK requesters at "vexatious". If a requester is deemed to be vexatious then the agency would ultimately no longer be required to disclose information to the requesters. While there is a process described which allows the requester to challenge the vexatious label some people have suggested that this process may actually add to agency workloads while giving genuinely vexatious requesters the attention they seek. Making things potentially even more burdensome for requesters is that if the Office of Open Records determines that a requester is "vexatious" then a requester’s only remedy to regain access to public information would be to appeal the decision to the Commonwealth Court.

Instead of forcing requesters to even submit RTK requests how about we simply have public agencies proactively publish this information online for taxpayers to readily access?

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