Welcome to Your Opportunity to Reinvent the Community!
The situation is serious, not hopeless. Join us in the fight to protect parent choice, eliminate school taxes, and restore power to the people.
- Parent Resources
- Take action locally
- Put up or shut up, vote or run
- Financial Support
Real Change Happens Here
Your presence here makes a difference. Every PA Mama & Papa Bear can contribute to effecting change in the state capital where decisions matter most. Get connected and stay informed about events that mean something in your community.
Upcoming Events
Natural beauty & resorces of the City
Auis nostrud exercitation ullam laboris nisitm sed aliquip duis autes ure dolor magna aliqua quis nostrud.
- Starts 5.00 PM
- 121 Kings St. NY 26038
Explore the adventures In the city
Auis nostrud exercitation ullam laboris nisitm sed aliquip duis autes ure dolor magna aliqua quis nostrud.
- Starts 5.00 PM
- 121 Kings St. NY 26038
Road trips, music, festivals & fun
Auis nostrud exercitation ullam laboris nisitm sed aliquip duis autes ure dolor magna aliqua quis nostrud.
- Starts 5.00 PM
- 121 Kings St. NY 26038
Programs & Initiatives
Workers Rights
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetur elit. Vestibulum nec odios Suspe ndisse cursus mal suada faci lisis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetur elit. Vestibulum nec odios Suspe ndisse cursus mal suada faci lisis.
A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot.